Window Boxes
Window Boxes
Our window boxes capture the essence of our larger planters, crafted with the same precision and superior finish, garnished with a Tudor rose on each long side. Beyond their use as window boxes, they also make an excellent edging for terraces and decking, as well as hanging over railings. Product Details The window boxes are formed from 1.5 mm galvanised steel, offering adjustable legs to remain level on a slanted window sill and enable water drainage. Their bases are drilled to prevent waterlogging. Available in three different sizes, dimensions are given in approximate measurements. Technical Specifications: Window boxDimensions*: 45cm or 85 cm or 110 cm x 15 cm x 18 cm plus legWeight: 5/8/10 kg TraysDimensions*: 47cm or 87 cm or 112 cm x 17cm x 2 cmWeight: 1/1.5/2.5 kg
Made from 1.5 mm galvanised steel
*Please note the dimensions given for all our products exclude the balls and feet. Please add around 10 cm to the overall height and 5 cms to the width to get an approximate idea of overall dimensions as our products are hand made.